Echoes: Candy Prison

- Interactive Poster Design
- Information Visualization
- Concept Art

University Project
London, UK
January, 2022

Inkjet print, adhesive paper, paper

This project aims to record the visual pollution caused by 7 candy stores on Oxford Street in 2021, from Selfridges to London College of Fashion. The main data form is the color observed and collected from the consumer's direct perspective. This mapping will take the form of a series of interactive posters showing the visual fatigue caused by random dispersion and accumulation of bright colors, including two main maps themed on decoration color data and packaging color data and a blank map "waiting to be created". Viewers were given the opportunity to participate in the cartography process, where "image-destroying" artists tore off randomly distributed candy color patches from posters and created their own unique visual maps. -

The invasion of spectacle into every element of life is clearly visible. The entire social life is portrayed as a spectacle accumulation, with conscious performance visible everywhere. Visual spectacle and the construct of the visual system (Scopic Regime) are devouring us, while news and propaganda, entertainment, and advertising create true demand, leading us into a new state of alienation. Humans have gradually attached the identity mark of commercialization to themselves and turned themselves into spectacles as a result of living in such a society. Reality and appearance are separated, we enjoy the spectacle's richness and pleasure, and the individual's value is quietly shifted to the surface, subject to the spectacle's logic, but still maintaining a "obsessed and delighted focus," as if in a candy prison.

© Leyan Chen (Elza)