20-24 UK
Graphic and Media Design
London College of Communication
University of the Arts London

19-20 CHN
Studio Arts, Media Arts
British Columbia Academy
Nanjing Foreign Language School


message: l.chen0320203@arts.ac.uk
call: +44 7536952797
Old things are fascinating, and it is exciting to play with combining technology to provide new meaning. This kind of visual communication is like a time machine, breaking the barriers of time and travelling through different eras of art and culture. I appreciate learning traditional skills like embroidery, book art, letterpress, and screenprinting and taking pleasure in the handcrafted creation process. My interests are not restricted to the field of graphic design; I am eager to experiment with new technologies and demonstrate them to a larger audience on a screen.

I have a keen eye and am skilled at capturing the fleeting moments of life in photographs. Social interaction has the potential to open up new knowledge sources. I live in society, but also the different space.

I aim to find my infinity.

© Leyan Chen (Elza)