Time Capsule:
    Branches in Hyde Park 

- Experimental Book Design
- Photography
- Graphic Design

University Project
London, UK
October, 2021

Inkjet printing, paper, tracing paper

This project aims to document the coexisting and mutually participated story created by ubiquitous coarse broken branches on the grass of Hyde Park and human activities in 2021.

The subsistent Time Capsule with the incorruptible package will include a small photographic zine/ publication that contains those branches and vestiges or trace leave by human beings. It is expected to be buried deep in Hyde Park forest to tell future generations about the existence of these coincidences in this era. How do people get along with these dead debris, and the capacity of this small ecosphere to carry history itself. -

It is formed by 2 parts with the theme of Human (red left) and Nature (blue right), respectively. Please read in 2 pages.

© Leyan Chen (Elza)